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  • Hristiyan A. C.

Tips on Reducing Dust in Your Home

Dust bunnies, dust balls, dust elephants even – whatever you refer to it as, we all know nobody likes it. Fine particles have and will continue to plague households. That’s just a fact of life. However, that doesn’t mean we have to sit by and watch as it accumulates and becomes a health hazard, no less.

Unfortunately for, well, everyone – dealing with dust involves this little thing called effort. Scientists still haven’t come up with a magical machine that can remove all the dust in your vicinity with a push of a button, so we’ll have to make do with what we have.

While we’re all powerless when it comes to stopping it entirely, there are several ways to reduce dust to a more, let’s say, manageable amount. From cleaning your HVAC system to investing in an air purifier, we’ve compiled an extensive list of tips on minimizing household dust buildup!

Know How Often to Clean

Different parts of your house require varying degrees of attention in terms of cleaning. Common household furniture, appliances, and miscellaneous items like decorations and knickknacks definitely require more frequent cleaning. We’re talking about a “once a week” sort of deal.

It’s not all about the frequency of the cleaning, but the way you do it as well. Wiping with a microfiber cloth is way more effective than with a regular old towel. In addition to this, walls, cabinets, trims, and base molding should be cleaned with a damp microfiber cloth once a month. Finally, the tops of cabinets, hard-to-reach areas, and stuff like your ceiling fans require cleaning at least once every three months.

Give Your HVAC System Some Much-Needed Attention

Dust can quickly build up on vent covers and ducts, which is why the airflow maintenance of HVAC setups gets worse over time. Whenever your furnace or air conditioner turns on, you risk having all that settled dust become airborne.

If you notice thick layers of dust on your ducts, for example, then you should use the brush attachment on your vacuum (or the trusty damp microfiber cloth) to clean it. More thorough HVAC-related cleaning may require the services of professionals, so that the cleaning process doesn’t (in an ironic twist of fate) cause more dust to stir up and become airborne.

Slowing down the spread of dust also involves frequent filter changes and/or cleanings (assuming you have a washable electrostatic filter). Pros recommend cleaning or changing the filter every two months during the hotter seasons.

Carpets & Shoes

Wearing shoes indoors is unsanitary – an unfortunate fact that many people try to deny, especially in the US. Aside from the extreme prevalence of pathogens and chemicals coming from your soles’ filth, dust and micro-debris also get tracked in on a frequent basis. Having a welcome mat to wipe shoes, and, well, not entering your home with shoes (shocking!) can make a big difference, especially if your floor is carpeted.

Oh, and speaking of carpets – they’re basically dust magnets that hold onto the fine particles in question. It goes without saying that you should vacuum your carpets once every week. Assuming you have pets that shed a lot, try to increase that number to two times a week, if possible. Vacuums with HEPA filters are worth investing in, as they reduce the amount of airborne dust being released.

Invest in an Air Purifier

Severe issues related to airflow, air quality, and allergies may require a mechanical helping hand – in this case, we’re referring to air purifiers! With frequent use, purifier units are able to decrease both dust and airborne allergens, thus also minimizing allergic reactions. We’d even go as far as to say that purifiers should be a necessary addition to any allergy-prone folks’ households.

Most air purifier models on the market have filters that require changing every twelve months or so. Much like our comment regarding vacuums, HEPA filters on air purifiers are a must when dust is thrown into the equation.

Some honorable mentions concerning minimizing the presence of dust include: changing sheets often, cleaning your pillows on a regular basis, decluttering, and opting for hardwood flooring (if possible), just to name a few.

We hope you found this article helpful in your ever-long quest of fighting off the dreaded particles and nasty debris. Keep in mind that the advice in our article isn’t all-encompassing, as there may be a unique issue in your case that may require further professional assistance.

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